In memory of the Texas women and men killed by their intimate partners in 2021
Lives lost in our service area during 2021:
McLennan County
Cargin Madison, 25
August 23, 2021 | Robinson
Cargin Madison died in a hospital after his ex-boyfriend, Willie Joe Lloyd, 39, broke into his home and set him on fire while he was sleeping. Lloyd also set the living room couch on fire. Lloyd's brother, Jason Lloyd, assisted in starting the fires. They injured two other people in the home and killed Cargin's dog. Emergency responders transported Cargin to a hospital, where he died eleven days later. Authorities arrested and charged Lloyd with capital murder and attempted capital murder and arrested and charged Jason Lloyd with capital murder and attempted capital murder.
Griselda Martinez, 51
May 25, 2021 | West
Griselda Martinez died after her ex-boyfriend, Angel Aguilar, 44, kidnapped her from her place of work and shot her. Aguilar then shot and killed himself. Griselda's family reported her missing after not being able to contact her. After a search, law enforcement officers discovered Griselda deceased in Aguilar's home. Griselda had ended the relationship with Aguilar earlier in the year. Griselda is survived by her two children.
Read all the narratives here: TCFV Narratives
204 Texans were killed by intimate partners. This number includes 169 women and 35 men, including 12 LGBTQ+ victims. Homicide perpetrators also shot and killed 22 family members, friends, or bystanders, including 11 children ages 18 and below. During the homicides, perpetrators injured an additional 21 victims including four law enforcement officers, six children, and 11 family members and friends. Two hundred fifty-six adults and minor children lost a parent to domestic violence.
Read the full report with statistics here: Full 2021 TCFV Report